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Four Things to Leave Behind When You Get a New Job

Writer's picture: lauramccartytufanolauramccartytufano

Congratulations! You worked hard, you produced enviable results, and you climbed that ladder! Whether you were promoted to a leadership role or took a position at a new organization, now's the time to stop and take stock. What's coming with you, and what will you leave behind?

Here are four things you should leave behind when you move into your new role.

1. Stoicism.

Many of us have this idea that to be respected as a professional, and to be a good leader, we must always appear strong, and keep emotion out of work.

It turns out, vulnerability is a key characteristic of a good leader! Admitting your own struggles sets the tone for your team that perfection is not the goal. When a team is grounded in safety and trust, innovation and creativity have room to flourish. There is power in vulnerability.

2. A fixed mindset.

In your new job, try eliminating the word "can't" from your vocabulary. Whenever you feel the word in the back of your throat, pause, take a breath, and think about the opportunities to turn the "can't" into a "can." Start using, "How could we..." or "what if we..." When a tough situation arises, ask yourself how this moment can be turned into a growth or learning opportunity.

With a growth mindset, obstacles are a chance to experiment and problem solve.

3. Imposter Syndrome.

Listen. I get it. With several of the jobs I've had, by the time I was ready to quit, I had become so disheartened with my current situation that I began to question MYSELF. For whatever reason (a toxic workplace, unrealistic goals foisted upon me, a lack of opportunity for advancement), when I'm ready to make a change, I've been so unhappy for so long that I start to question whether I'm even any good at this work. Whether I even belong in this field.

Does that sound familiar?

It really sucks, because it sets you up to start your new job with a fat load of professional self-doubt.

Leave that self doubt and imposter syndrome behind. Remember in this new job, THEY hired YOU. They recognized your skills. They believed YOU were the best person to do this job. Make sure you believe it, too. Every day.

4. Fear of Failure.

Failure is not an ending, but a pivot point. Nobody ever learned anything by succeeding 100% of the time. You might have some failures in the new job. But you're going to have a bunch of big wins, too.

So take along all the great things you've learned, the accolades you've garnered, and the friends you've made along the way. Leave this junk behind! Now go get 'em!

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